João Anatalino

A Procura da Melhor Resposta


Chapter one- Adam, the first born man


When Adam, the first of the so-called homo sapiens made by Elohin God, which according to the official chronicles was produced from adamá, the red clay of the earth, still a little dizzy from the sudden contrast of his newly opened eyes with the light, stood up and looked at the world that was unfolding in front of him, he did not know who he was or where he was. His mind was empty of memories and he felt like a child who had just been born. It was like a tabula rasa, a blank sheet of paper where everything was still to be written. However, naked as all creatures of his species come into the world, he saw that he was a man already in the fullness of the physical form of an adult, of handsome size and well composed in all the gifts that a creature of the human species can present. "What am I?" was his first thought, and it was this earliest question, asked to the core of himself, his primeval manifestation as a thinking creature that he became from that moment on.

However, he still had no name or identity. Nor did he articulate sounds forming words. His brain captured the images of the trees, of the animals that served him, now as a stranger among them; he saw the clouds that formed in the sky; he felt the wind that hit his face, the sun that warmed his skin, the aroma of the flowers that adorned that garden where he was; he heard the murmur of the waters of the river that was born there and ran out of it, forming four streams that headed south, in search of the ocean, where all the rivers come together. And for the first time he had the perception of his own existence as a creature that was part of that whole world that surrounded him. Adam was not mute, but he did not yet know how to speak. His mind, which at this threshold of human existence was in the infancy of conscious life, had not developed sufficient language to organize as knowledge what was happening to him. He was in that phase of psychic life that some academics call unconscious incompetence, which is when we don't know that we don't know, which translates into ignorance, not only of the world in which he lives, but also of himself and of his own sensations.


It was then that Elohim God, perceiving that the creature he had just generated lacked exactly the quality necessary to make him his representative on earth, put through his nostrils, with a breath, an extra layer of neurons in his brain, so that he, unlike other creatures of the same species, could elaborate thoughts and translate them through intelligible grunts. More than any other quality, it was the gift of translating his own thoughts and feelings into language that made him a human being, and when he articulated the first thought and was able to express it through words, Adam, the first of the homos sapiens, in fact, had the initial glimpse of his own identity. And it was then that he said to himself: I am a man.


Thus, it is written that intelligent human beings appeared on earth. And because his body was formed from the clay of the earth, mixed with the water that was abundant on the planet, cooked in the fire that came out of the hands of Elohin God and breathed into his mind by the air that he breathed into his nostrils, it is that the creature molded by the hands of Elohin God to be his representative on this planet received the name of Adam,  which means the man of the earth, because he was raised from it. It must have been at that moment that Elohim God, seeing his prototype ready and beautiful as an angel, as usual were the celestial beings that were created in the first manifestations of their creative power in the real world, he said to Michael, his favorite archangel, whom he called his firstborn son and assisted him in this operation worthy of a true genetic engineer:  "We made a man in our image and likeness. Behold, now we have on earth someone who will be able to correspond to us and spread the news of our existence throughout the universe that we have created." Michael looked at Adam and saw that there was a being of beautiful appearance, whose body radiated a bluish light that enveloped him like an iridescent capsule. It was so beautiful to see the creature that she could not contain a whistle of admiration. "Fiuuu. Beautiful, beautiful. He seems, in fact, to be one of us, my father," he said, with a captivating smile, which filled Elohin God with pride. 'Let him have dominion over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, and over the fish of the sea”, said Michael, and Elohin God agreed.

"So be it," replied Elohin God. And he added: "and above all, that he spreads the news of our existence throughout the universe, because that is what he is being made for."


This is how our father Adam was born, about thirty-five thousand years ago, according to academic calculations that we cannot prove or contest due to the absolute lack of reliable information, since it could only be obtained if at that time there were notary offices to make the proper records. Hence no one knows how these measures were obtained, but as they say in the underground of the courts, what cannot be proven cannot be denied either, and thus truths are constructed that become eternal precisely because they cannot be killed with due proof. Of course, there are those who claim that all this information, which claims to be scientific, is nothing more than impostures woven by mentalities that cannot support the idea that there are things that may be beyond the limit of our understanding. But to us, who are not ashamed to admit that we do not know much, if reasonable doubt is formed on any subject, reason advises us not to simply refute. Because it is precisely the scientific impostures that give ballast to the official historiography and whoever wants to refute them should do so with their own arguments, because we will not do it.

That said, let's admit that this may have been the case anyway. That our ancestor Adam was made from a handful of clay that Elohim God took from the earth, put it in a mold and mixed it with the water of the river that came out of a fountain in that garden called Eden, which according to the official chronicles was divided into four water currents called Pishon, Guion, Hidekel, here among us known as Tigris, and Perat, which also later changed its name and became known as Euphrates. And to give a more palatable finish to those who like more logical structures in a narrative, we add that it was boiled in the fire of his touch, since he usually has it in his hands, and it is said that he has not infrequently used it to punish people who disobedient to his statutes, as he did at the request of the prophet Elijah when he sent fire from heaven to roast the wicked priests of Baal, who were doubting his power. And finally, as we have already reported, a soul was inoculated into him through the nostrils, through the divine breath.


This we say in respect to the official chronology that informs that this is how our first ancestor was generated. And since we have support for this narrative in several theses elaborated by respected philosophers who maintain that everything in the world of matter is made of these four elements that are earth, water, fire and air, we will not be the ones to discard this hypothesis, although the controversies in this regard are robust and must be observed,  which we will do in due course. For the time being, we will freeze our vision in this hypothesis and leave for the next chapters the discussion of its premises, because at this moment, to give substance to our narrative, the best thing to do is to decline the elements of conviction on which it is based.

João Anatalino
Enviado por João Anatalino em 25/11/2024
Alterado em 03/12/2024


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