João Anatalino

A Procura da Melhor Resposta





There are those who say that the creation of man, as we see him today, was designed to meet a need that the Lord, here referred to as Elohim God, had to place someone here, on this little planet of ours to serve as a kind of ambassador, commissioner, disseminator or any other agent who could make him known. Because he, being who he was, was feeling very uncomfortable with the anonymity to which he was being relegated on earth, because here no one knew him, and what is not known can be said that he does not exist. For something worse than being an unknown, that no one knows what, or in the case of a being, who he is, is the lack of an identity by which he can be recognized and counted among the existing creatures. Elohim God had made heaven and earth in six stages of manifestation of his creative energy and everything that was in them in these two structures was the work of his hands. But things had not evolved as he had planned. At some point in this creative process, they had gotten out of his control and he saw that he needed to take action to get it back, because he, more than anyone else, knew that on the field where God does not play, it is the Devil who whistles the game.

And that was exactly what was happening on earth. His power was being usurped by a rival and he was not liking at all what was happening on the third planet that orbited the sun, where he, for some reason that is not relevant now, decided to plant the seed of life. That is why he said Michael, his son Elohim, those words that are written in the official chronicles that report the event: "let us make a man in our image and likeness, so that he may have dominion over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air and all the animals of the earth, including the creeping things that crawl on their own belly",  to which Michael replied: "So be it. But, my Eternal Father, if I may make a suggestion, I think we should make it hierarchically a little smaller than the angels and a little higher than the animals." "Explain that," asked Elohin Sr., who had not understood the suggestion. "Let us give him all the prerogatives he deems necessary for that he may be our representative on earth, and let us grant him all the attributes of our magnificence, but we must not provide him with the gift of self-consciousness, nor the quality of immortality, lest he think he is a God also,  and suddenly happen to him the same thing that happened to my brother Samael, who, as you know, has withdrawn himself from your dominion and has become your opponent."

Elohim God thought and found Michael's suggestions quite thoughtful. "You're right, Michael. Man is not to be the arbiter of himself. He cannot have a notion of what good and evil are, much less be immortal. Let us make him beautiful as an angel and grant him many years of life, but let him be innocent like a child who has just been born and at the end of a long existence, return to the dust from which he was taken. In it I will reflect all the attributes of my personality. Man will be good, honest, pious, sincere, compassionate, virtuous, just, and perfect in thought and deed, as I myself am. Through him the whole universe will know me by these attributes and not by any other quality that is wrapped in my power."

And in this conformation Adam was made man. In the image and likeness of God himself, not in his physical form, because God never had it, but in his attributes of qualities and virtues. All this happened because when the world that Elohim God had made, there was still no one who knew that there was a God and that the world itself was made by him. Nor who he was. Therefore, Elohim the Father felt like an ignored and lonely creature. He was someone who existed and didn't exist because no one knew he existed. So, he wanted to make himself known and decided to make the world precisely so that it would be known that it exists.

Elohim the Father wanted to become known for his attributes. He was the God of the ten attributes: he had the crown, wisdom, understanding, mercy, the power of judgment, beauty, victory, splendor, foundation and the kingdom as it is written on the tree that describes his genealogy, named by cabalists as Tree of Life. He had all these qualias that specified his power, but as no one knew about it, it was of no use to him to possess all this archetypal.

For it is of no use being good if no one knows your goodness; a force is useless if there is nothing to which it is applied; a justice that has nothing and no one to judge is of little value; and a power that no one knows exists is useless, just as a light that is hidden in darkness or a movement that does not have the counterpoint of inertia to manifest itself and a beauty without eyes that contemplates it; just as one cannot speak of victory when there is no worthy adversary to be overcome.

Thus, Elohim the Father, was something like that. Before he manifested his power in the universe of royal things, he was like a king without a kingdom, a monarch without a people, who sat on the throne of his resplendent magnificence, with nothing and no one to acknowledge his majesty. Then he said to himself, "I will make the universe that I may have a kingdom over which to reign; I will put in it creatures who will serve me as subjects and who can recognize me by my attributes. Because I am good, compassionate, just, faithful, generous, wise, beautiful and I want all these qualities of mine to be known and exalted. I have all the power and I want to wield it. I will therefore build a kingdom so that in it I may manifest my power."

That's why he decided to make heaven, earth and all the things we know to be the real universe, as it is written that he did. And this grueling work that Elohin Sr. had begun had been going on for four days. In these four days, which may have lasted a few millions of our terrestrial years, he had separated the light from the darkness, the waters above, which we know as clouds that shelter the rain, from the waters below, which are all the rivers and oceans of the earth. And he had made the dry part, which are the continents and the islands appear, isolating it from the watery part, which are the so-called seas and oceans. And he had also provided the surface of the earth with a verdant cover made of woods and forests, whose plants were endowed with seeds that would guarantee the perpetuation of each species for as long as the land itself lasted. And on the fourth day, as it is written, he caused the sun and the moon to appear, each with a definite function; the sun to rule the day, and the moon to rule the night. And as a corollary of this masterful work that he had accomplished, he placed in the celestial vault a myriad of stars, whose function we do not yet know, but which certainly has some use, since God does nothing that is not for a purpose.

"All this is very beautiful," said Michael, his firstborn archangel, also known as Elohin the Son. "But none of this serves your purpose, my father. Earth, air, fire, wind, water, stars and plants, none of these things that you have made will give you recognition. They have no conscience. Your potency will be in them, because they are made of it, but their attributes will not reflect them. You can say that the light is good, that the water is useful, that the stars are beautiful, that fire and air are necessary, but they are of no use because they have no one to serve."

And once again Elhoin God pondered: "Michael is right. Now that the earth has form, it can no longer be empty. I will cause it to produce creatures that reproduce according to their kinds—felines, horses, primates, reptiles, insects, birds, fish, and all kinds of creatures that host life in their organisms—so that they may populate the whole planet and be the symbol of my power."

And so he did. And as it was written, Elohin Sr. saw that all this was very good and felt proud of the work he had done. Thus, man was made precisely for the purpose of being a kind of ambassador of God on earth. Through human consciousness he would cease to be a negative, diffuse existence lost in cosmic solitudes to become a positive and active presence, known and venerated, as he actually deserved, being the supreme Lord of universe, Creator of the whole world.

Now, of course, since he is God and as God, he can do everything, even using the most bizarre methods imaginable, such as the one by which the canonical accounts have led us to believe that creation began. Anything can be. In this way, nothing prevents creation from having really begun like this, with a magic trick, like those made by a wizard who takes a crystal ball, makes a light shine inside it and it fills the darkness of the cosmic void, transforming itself into things with mass and form. Because that's how the universe is said to have been made. In the beginning, nothing but the spirit of God, whatever it was, existed. And he hovered over the waters. What those waters were no one knows, but we suspect that it is their own unmanifest energy. And then he said: let there be light, and there was light. And he saw that the light was good, and separated it from the darkness. And its energy, in the form of light, filled the dark vacuum, giving rise to all that we call the real world.


Thus, let's face it, it is easier to imagine how this curious drama of creation began. Elohim God, the Supreme Spirit, exercises a will that manifests itself upon its own potentialities and creates the universe, in the same way that a subject of powerful will, such as an Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, Napoleon or Genghis Kan, manifests himself from his own and creates empires. Everything makes sense. Nothing is created, everything is copied, said a well-known communicator of our old television media and he was right. So much so that these men ended up being venerated as gods among their peoples.

Hence, according to the official chronicles, to finish off his work he made a clay doll, breathed into his nostrils a breath of life to give him a soul, or pronounced in his ear a magic word, which some say is his true name, and behold, we have, alive, clever and all bully, our daddy Adam.

This is interesting because this view leads us to think, however this magic was done, that Adam was a kind of golem made by the hands of Elohim God. For those who do not know what a golem is, we will explain that it is a kind of creature created by magical arts, which only experts in this science called Kabbalah know. There are those who say that it is a mere legend, but there are also those who claim that it is a true experiment whose results have been seen and confirmed. Everything fits in this story. The theory that lies behind this legend, or science, let's say, is the belief that Elohim God, who in the general reckoning of his majesty, would have about ten billion names, actually has a baptismal name that, if correctly written and pronounced in that language that only angels know how to speak, confers on its knower a power that only he possesses,  that is, to give life to anything he touches. On the basis of this belief, various cultivators of this strange science devoted themselves to making combinations between the letters used in this alphabet to write the millions of names by which God was called, because, as they believed, one of these combinations would be his true name, and whoever discovered it and knew how to pronounce it acquired the power to create his own Adam.

Thus, was born the legend, or the story of the golem. And this practice, of making golems, if we want to give credence to these stories, seems to have become a tradition among the people who wrote the chronicles considered official, because there were several sages from this people who tried to repeat the feat of Elohim God in creating Adam, also making their own golems, homunculus of clay that were animated by a word spoken in their ear,  sometimes to defend their ghettos from enemy attacks, sometimes to serve as a bodyguard or even as a hitman to eliminate their enemies.


Now, we have already seen that the purpose for which Elohim God created Adam was to have a creature on earth who would make him known. That is, someone who would serve as an agent and propagator of his attributes. But not only, it seems. In addition to this objective, let's say, media, we want to believe that he also needed someone to defend his interests on earth, because, as we will see in the course of this narrative, he had a very active rival who was causing him a lot of discomfort, even developing a parallel kingdom in lands not far from that garden where he created the man Adam and put him to live.

We know this because the official chronicles themselves inform that before God Elohin produced his prototype of a human being, as we are today, there were already creatures on earth similar to man, although of a different ethnicity from that of our father Adam. If we do not want to give credence to the so-called scientific narratives, which claim that man is the product of a long evolution of a form of life that began in the sea, or perhaps was brought from space to land by meteorites, or by beings that landed here thousands of years ago, we will have to accept that creation began and developed the way it is written that it was. And in this narrative, we will see that before Adam there were already people here similar to what we call human beings. This assertion is proven by the information that Cain, the accursed son of Adam and Eve, after being expelled from the presence of God, found a wife in lands at the source of Eden. And unless this woman was his own sister, or the offspring of some brother who sat in the square and raised a family somewhere far from the one where Adam built his own family, it must be admitted that the family of our presumed first ancestor, in fact, already had considerable competition inhabiting the planet. And, we assume, a civilization already quite advanced that used to record what happened to them on clay tablets, which are said to have been the sources that provided the inspiration for the authors of the plot of this tale of creation as we know it.

João Anatalino
Enviado por João Anatalino em 02/12/2024
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